The IMPaCT - Precision Medicine Infrastructure associated with Science and Technology event will take place on October 3rd in Valencia at the Príncipe Felipe Research Center (CIPF). It is a satellite event of the event of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union focused on Personalized Medicine "Conference on Personalised medicine: the evolution of healthcare to improve people's lives".
The event's objective is to promote dialogue and mutual knowledge of relevant activities in Precision Medicine, especially focused on the development of IMPaCT, and to seek synergies with other European actions in the areas that IMPaCT develops.
A first session will deal with Precision medicine in the context of Europe and the Genome of Europe with contributions from the European Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI), 1+ millinon Genomes (1+MG) and the Institute of Genetics, with the moderation of Alfonso Valencia, Head of Node of INB/ELIXIR-ES and coordinator of the Data Science Pillar of IMPaCT (IMPaCT-Data). The second session will focus on IMPaCT, the Spanish strategy for the development of Precision Medicine, with speeches by the coordinators of each IMPaCT Pillar (Cohort, Genomic and Data) together with other relevant professionals from stakeholders related with the implementation of precision medicine.