The inclusion of the sex and gender dimension in life sciences is increasingly promoted by the European Union to rethink standards and reference models for sex and gender representation in research projects. Thus, training biomedical researchers in this topic will increase their capacity to integrate the sex and gender dimension into their work, leading to more inclusive and impactful science.
This Train-the-Trainer course is aimed to develop participants’ skills on how to introduce the sex and gender dimension into their training activities related to the life sciences.
To guide participants in this endeavor, a set of methodological tools and case studies created will be provided by a group of experts in the field in order to illustrate a successful sex and gender integration into key Research and Innovation areas.
This training is delivered by experts on the matter:
Davide Cirillo, Principal Investigator, Life Sciences Department, Machine Learning for Biomedical Research, BSC
Mónica Cano Abadía, Senior Scientist, ELSI Services and Research, BBMRI-ERIC
Àtia Cortés, Recognized Researcher, Life Sciences Department, Social Link Analytics, BSC
Learning objectives
By the end of this course, participants are expected to:
- Understand the appropriate applications of the terms “sex” and “gender” in biomedical research in training actions.
- Identify, understand, and think critically about complex aspects of sex and gender dimensions in biomedical research and how to communicate these in training activities.
- Identify how sex and gender categories affect the life sciences and their related trainings, and especially the research data generation, collection and use.
- Select, compile, and synthesize information that helps include the sex and gender dimension in research and integrate it into their training portfolio.
The course is highly interactive, and hence it is important that the participants actively contribute to all sessions and elements of the course.
Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to the limited space, organizers reserve their right to oversee the number of participants from the same RI/institution to ensure that as many RI/institutions as possible can benefit from the training and leverage the training materials within their institutions and beyond.
A waiting list will be set once the capacity limit has been reached. In case a participant is registered and can not finally attend, please contact the organizers to free the seat.
Course Details
Where: Face to face at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) premises, Barcelona, Spain
- Wednesday, June 28th, 14.00-18.00 (CEST) to Thursday, June 29th, 9.00-13.00 (CEST)
- A follow-up online session will be organized 3 months after the training to get continuous feedback and provide updates on individual training progress on the topic of the inclusion of the sex and gender dimension in research.
Course capacity: 15 participants
Target audience: Training coordinators, training organizers and trainers willing to introduce the sex and gender dimension in their training portfolio, and researchers with an interest in the topic and prospects of organizing training about the topic.
Prerequisites: No prerequisites required.
- The course is free of charge. Participants are expected to cover their own accommodation and travel expenses.
- Coffee breaks and the course dinner will be catered by the course organizers.
- Training material and details will be shared with participants in advance.
Organizers: This course is organized by the Bioinfo4Women program of the Life Sciences Department at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), BBMRI-ERIC, INB/ELIXIR-ES, EATRIS, and it has been funded by the 3rd EOSC-Life Training Open Call.
Original announcement in the EOSC-Life website: https://www.eosc-life.eu/news/how-to-integrate-the-sex-and-gender-dimension-in-life-sciences-research/