Call for Participation LivingNER Shared Task (IberLEF2022)
Named entity recognition, normalization & classification of species, pathogens and food
LivingNER is the first track focusing specifically on the automatic detection of species mentions (humans, plants, animals, insects, pathogens), as well as their normalization to species taxonomy concepts (NCBI Taxonomy @
The detection, grounding, and classification of species mentions from documents is highly relevant for a diversity of real-world applications in medicine, biology, biodiversity, nutrition, and pharmacology. For instance, it represents a key component for text mining applied to:
- Pathogens and tropical diseases (and their mode of transmission)
- animal caused injuries, bites, etc. on humans
- pets and farm animals (incl. health-related issues related to them)
- microorganisms, antibiotic resistance, microbiome
- hospital-acquired or nosocomial infections
- allergies and food (incl. diets, intoxications, certain toxic habits, drug-food interactions)
- epidemiology and family history (incl. close contacts, cohabitants, and relatives)
- etc.
The LivingNER track organizers will also release multilingual resources to stress the clear potential for multilingual adaptation of participating systems including and beyond English content (due to the use of universal scientific species nomenclatures).
Following the success of previously organized shared tasks (i.e. CANTEMIST, PharmaCoNER, or MEDDOCAN), we are now launching the LivingNER shared task as part of the IberLEF 2022 evaluation initiative (co-located with SEPLN 2022), with the following three sub-tracks:
- LivingNER-Clinical NER: automatic detection of mentions of species (both human and non-human).
- LivingNER-Species Norm: finding mentions of species and mapping them to their corresponding NCBI taxonomy concept identifiers.
- LivingNER-Clinical IMPACT: classifying documents according to 4 axes of clinical relevance (pets/farm animals, animal causing injuries, food, and nosocomial) and retrieving the evidence supporting the classification.
Key information:
- Web:
- Data:
- Annotation guidelines:
- Registration:
- LivingNER vocabulary:
- Machine Translated Data (for multilingual purposes):
- Test set release (start of evaluation period): April 22nd, 2022
- End of the evaluation period (system submissions): May 22nd, 2022
- Working papers submission: June 17th, 2022
- Notification of acceptance (peer-reviews): June 26th, 2022
- Camera-ready system descriptions: July 3rd, 2022
- IberLEF @ SEPLN 2022: September 2022
Publications and IBERLEF/SEPLN2022 workshop
Teams participating in LivingNER will be invited to contribute a systems description paper for the IberLEF (SEPLN 2022) Working Notes proceedings and a short presentation of their approach at the IberLEF 2022 workshop.
Main Organizers
- Martin Krallinger, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
- Eulàlia Farré, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
- Salvador Lima, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
- Antonio Miranda-Escalada, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain