INB/ELIXIR-ES periodically updates its Service Delivery Plan by making a public expression of interest to identify tools, databases, web-services, platforms, workflows and data collections broadly used by the scientific community. The last Service Delivery Plan renewal process was finalised in 2023, resulting in a set of 40 resources identified as part of the INB/ELIXIR-ES portfolio (poster, ELIXIR All Hands meeting 2024). The portfolio is offered by 24 groups across 12 institutions in Spain, and it includes 16 tools, nine web services, six databases, four platforms, three workflows, and two data collections.
Some resources are part of the ELIXIR Key Service Collections as ELIXIR Core Data Resources and ELIXIR Recommended Interoperability Resources:- ELIXIR Core Data Resources are a set of European data resources of fundamental importance to the wider life-science community and the long-term preservation of biological data.
- ELIXIR Recommended Interoperability Resources are tools and registries that have been selected by a panel of external reviewers and are identified as resources that facilitate the FAIR-supporting activities in scientific research.
The table below displays the INB/ELIXIR-ES resources, including the name of each linked resource, a brief definition, a list of related links organized into general categories (e.g.,, code repositories, DOI), and the key collection badges associated with each resource.
Resource | Description | Related links | ELIXIR Key collection |
3Did |
3D interacting domains Collection of protein interactions for which high-resolution three-dimensional structures are known. The interface residues are presented for each interaction type individually, plus global domain interfaces at which one or more partners bind. | | |
3DBIONOTES-WS and COVID19 Structural Hub |
3DBIONOTES-WS and COVID19 Structural Hub Web based application designed to integrate protein structure, protein sequence and protein annotations in a unique graphical environment. Moving towards integrating a quality-checking environment on experimental structures and relate them to predicted ones. | Code Repository DOI | Recommended Interoperability Resource |
APID Interactomes |
Agile Protein Interactomes DataServer Interactomes Web-server that provides a comprehensive collection of protein interactomes based on the integration of known experimentally validated protein-protein physical interactions (PPIs). | FAIRsharing Code Repository cicblade DOI 2 DOI 1 | |
PMut |
Annotation of Pathological Mutations on Proteins The PMut predictor is a web-based tool for the annotation of pathological variants on proteins. It allows the fast and accurate prediction of the pathological character of single point amino acid mutations based on the use of AI. | FAIRsharing Code Repository1 Code Repository2 DOI | |
APPRIS (Annotating principal splice isoforms) Annotates coding transcripts with protein structural information, functionally important residues, conservation of functional domains and evidence of cross-species conservation. Selects the most important coding transcript for each gene (principal) and generates scores for functional relevance of each coding transcript. | Code Repository | |
Beyondcell |
Beyondcell Computational methodology for identifying tumour cell subpopulations with distinct drug responses in single-cell RNA-seq and spatial transcriptomics data and proposing cancer-specific treatments. | Code Repository DOI | |
BioBB |
BioExcel Building Blocks Python building blocks wrapping popular computational biomolecular tools. Includes workflow execution platform. | TeSS Code Repository WorkflowHub BioBB-wfs BioBB-api DOI | |
NLP4BIA tools |
BSC Text Mining Unit tools Collection of NLP and text mining componenst to process medical literature and clinical texts |
CANcer TExt Mining SharedTask Resource to evaluate and promote the development of resources for named entity recognition, concept normalization and clinical coding specifically focusing on cancer data in Spanish. |
Code Repository | |
Collaborative Spanish Variant Server Crowdsourcing initiative to provide information about the genomic variability of the Spanish population to the scientific/medical community. | Code Repository1 Code Repository2 spacnacs | |
Drug REpositioning for IMmune Transcriptome Bioinformatics tool for hypothesis generation and prioritization of drugs capable of modulating immune cell activity from transcriptomics data. | Code Repository DOI | |
EGA Beacon |
EGA Beacon Resource that will allow the discovery of datasets hosted at the European Genome-phenome Archive. It is based on Beacon v2, a specification that defines an open standard for federated discovery of genomic data in biomedical research and clinical applications. | FAIRsharing TeSS Code Repository DOI 1 DOI 2 | |
ETE Toolkit |
Environment for Tree Exploration toolkit Python package for the programmatic analysis and visualization of phylogenomic data |
Code Repository Main publication | |
European Genome-phenome Archive Service for permanent archiving and sharing of all types of personally identifiable genetic and phenotypic data resulting from biomedical research projects. | FAIRsharing TeSS DOI | Core Data Resource |
eggNOG |
Evolutionary genealogy of genes: Non-supervised Orthologous Groups Public resource in which thousands of reference genomes are analyzed at once to establish orthology relationships between all their genes, providing also an easy-to-use interface for functional and evolutionary analysis by non-bioinformaticians. | FAIRsharing Code Repository Main publication | |
FAIR Cookbook |
FAIR Cookbook Online resource for the Life Sciences that helps researchers make and keep data and services Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) through practical guides and recipes. |
Code Repository | |
FAIRTracks Validation Service |
FAIRTracks Validation Service Set of JSON Schemas developed through the ELIXIR implementation study "FAIRification of Genomic Tracks", as a minimal standard for genomic track metadata |
FAIRsharing Code Repository | Recommended Interoperability Resource |
footprintDB |
footprintDB Web server for assigning putative cis DNA motifs to input transcription factors (TFs) and conversely for predicting which TFs that might recognize input DNA motifs. Includes several collections of motifs which are also available from RSAT servers. |
Code Repository DOI | |
Genomes for Life. Cohort Study of the Genomes of Catalonia Provides information from real-world- and research data from a population based cohort of 20K Spanish Resident Citizens (Catalonia region) to develop and support biomedical research focus on common disorders. |
DOI 1 DOI 2 | |
GET_HOMOLOGUES Versatile software package for pan-genome analysis of microbes and plants, including GET_HOMOLOGUES and GET_HOMOLOGUES-EST | Additional link1 Additional link2 Additional link3 Additional link4 DOI 1 DOI 2 Bioconda | |
Hipathia suite |
Hipathia suite Web tool for the interpretation of the consequences of the combined changes of gene expression levels and/or genomic mutations in the context of signalling pathways. | Code Repository1 Code Repository2 Code Repository3 Code Repository4 CyPathia CoV-hipathia Metabolizer | |
FlexPortal |
INB Integrated platform for macromolecular flexibility Web portal containing a series of tools and databases related to macromolecular structure flexibility, developed to offer an integrated approach to study flexibility. | FAIRsharing | |
IntOGen |
Interactive Onco Genomics Framework for automatic and comprehensive knowledge extraction based on mutational data from sequenced tumor samples from patients. | Code Repository | |
Interactome3D |
Interactome3D Resource for the structural annotation and modeling of protein-protein interactions. | | |
manta/mvgwas-nf |
manta/mvgwas-nf Pipeline for multi-trait genome-wide association studies (GWAS) using MANTA (Multivariate Asymptotic Non-parametric Test of Association) |
Code Repository1 Code Repository2 WorkflowHub | |
dSysMap |
Mapping human disease-mutations at systemic level Resource that maps mutations related to human diseases on the structure of proteins and interactions in the human interactome | | |
MasterOfPores |
MasterOfPores Nextflow pipeline for analysis of Nanopore data from direct RNA sequencing. | Code Repository WorkflowHub DOI | |
Metabolites Biological Role Server that performs functional enrichment analysis of a list of chemical compounds derived from a metabolomics experiment, which allows this list to be interpreted in biological terms. | DOI | |
MetaPhOrs |
MetaPhOrs Public repository of phylogeny-based orthologs and paralogs that were computed using phylogenetic trees available in twelve public repositories. | FAIRsharing DOI | |
Nextflow |
Nextflow Workflow system that enables scalable and reproducible scientific workflows using software containers. It allows the adaptation of pipelines written in the most common scripting languages. | TeSS Code Repository Additional link1 DOI | |
OpenEBench |
OpenEBench ELIXIR benchmarking and technical monitoring platform for bioinformatics tools, web servers and workflows. | Code Repository | |
PanDrugs |
PanDrugs Method to prioritize anticancer drug treatments according to individual multiomics data. | Code Repository DOI | |
PhylomeDB |
PhylomeDB Public database for complete catalogs of gene phylogenies. It allows users to interactively explore the evolutionary history of genes through the visualization of phylogenetic trees and multiple sequence alignments. | FAIRsharing DOI | |
Redundans |
Redundans Pipeline that assists in the assembly of heterozygous genomes. It takes as input assembled contigs, sequencing libraries and/or a reference sequence and returns a scaffolded homozygous genome assembly. | Code Repository DOI | |
RSAT Plants |
Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools Plants Modular software which offers specialized options for researchers dealing with plant transcriptional regulation. | Code Repository Additional link1 Additional link2 DOI | |
rbbt |
Ruby bioinformatics toolkit Framework for software development in bioinformatics. | Code Repository1 Code Repository2 | |
SQANTI Tool for the analysis and quality control of long-read transcriptomic data (lrRNA-seq). |
Code Repository DOI 1 DOI 2 | |
sqtlseeker2-nf |
sqtlseeker2-nf Nextflow pipeline for splicing quantitative trait loci (sQTL) mapping based on sQTLseekeR2. | Code Repository WorkflowHub | |
T-Coffee |
Tree-based Consistency Objective Function for Alignment Evaluation Multiple sequence alignment package that can be used for DNA, RNA, protein sequences and structures. The tool primary functionality it is to align sequences but it can also perform other operations such as combine the output of other alignment methods, data reformatting, results evaluation and methods benchmark. | Code Repository tcoffee-crg redthedocs DOI | |
WfExS-backend |
Workflow Execution Service backend High-level workflow execution command-line program which fetches and materializes all the elements needed to run workflows through permanent identifiers: workflow itself, engine, needed software containers and inputs. |
Code Repository | Recommended Interoperability Resource |