FPS groups are looking for R2 (postdoctoral) researchers who can apply for competitive HR grants from the 2022 call of the Agencia Estatal de Investigación of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Specifically:
Submission of applications: from 19 January to 9 February 2023 at 14:00h.
Eligibility requirements:
- Hold a doctorate degree.
- For general access candidates, the date of obtaining the doctoral degree must be between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2020.
- For candidates who, within the general round, apply for talent attraction support, they must have had an uninterrupted professional link in their postdoctoral stage with foreign research organisations since at least 1 January 2020 and up to the start date of the application deadline.
- Not being a beneficiary of a grant from previous calls for proposals under the Ramón y Cajal action.
- Not be a beneficiary of Ayudas Juan de la Cierva-Formación or Ayudas Juan de la Cierva- Incorporación, except for those who have received them for at least one year.
- Not submitting more than one application to this call for proposals.
- After the award, the selected person must have spent at least twenty-four months, either continuously or discontinuously, in R&D Centres other than the one with which the incorporation agreement is signed. The twenty-four month period will be counted from the date on which the PhD degree is obtained until the last day of the deadline for submitting the incorporation agreements.
More information and application
Information on the host groups - AYUDAS RAMON Y CAJAL 2022/ RAMON Y CAJAL GRANTS
3.Group: Computational Medicine Platform
Main Researcher of the Project: Researcher Joaquín Dopazo Blázquez. Clinical Bioinformatics Area, Hospital Virgen del Rocio, Andalusian Public Foundation Progress and Health-FPS (Seville, Spain)
Research line in which the candidate will work: Genomics of viral and bacterial pathogens. Phylogenetic and epidemiological analysis.
Profile of the desired candidate:
- Bioinformatician with experience in the use of bioinformatics programmes for the processing and analysis of genomic sequences of viruses and bacteria, phylogenetic analysis, metagenomics and programming skills.
More information about the research group here: IBiS: Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla - Investigación - Oncohematología y Genética - Medicina Computacional de Sistemas - Dopazo Blázquez, Joaquín (ibis-sevilla.es)
Main researcher contact: joaquin.dopazo@juntadeandalucia.es
4.Group: Computational Medicine Platform
Main Researcher of the Project: Researcher Joaquín Dopazo Blázquez. Clinical Bioinformatics Area, Hospital Virgen del Rocio, Andalusian Public Foundation
Progress and Health-FPS (Seville, Spain)
Research line in which the candidate will work: Analysis of real-world clinical data for projects to generate predictors of endpoints from clinical data from the Andalusian
Population Health Database, with detailed clinical information on more than 13 million patients
Profile of the desired candidate:
- Data scientist with experience in large database management, artificial intelligence and programming skills
More information about the research group here: IBiS: Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla - Investigación - Oncohematología y Genética -Medicina Computacional de Sistemas - Dopazo Blázquez, Joaquín (ibis-sevilla.es)
Main researcher contact: joaquin.dopazo@juntadeandalucia.es
Original source with more details and application: http://www.sspa.juntadeandalucia.es/fundacionprogresoysalud/investigamas/solucion/serOportunidadesFinanciacionId/1116/DET/11698