Postdoc positions at Computational Evolutionary Genomics group

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Centre for Plant Genomics and Biotechnology (CBGP)

The Computational Evolutionary Genomics group at CBGP (Madrid, Spain) is seeking for outstanding and motivated postdocs to join the Computational Systems Biology and Genomics Program (CSBGP). Potential research lines include:

  1. Novel enzyme discovery out of massive metagenomics data using phylogenomic, structural and genomic methods. Metagenomic sequences from multiple microbiome sources (e.g. ocean, gut, soil, etc) lacking functional annotation will be analyzed. Bioinformatic pipelines will be developed to study phylogenetic, syntenic and structural similarities of novel sequences, as well as to infer predictions that can be integrated into metabolic modelling tools.
  2. Evolution of gene function in plants and microbial organisms. Functional innovations and their ancestral origins will be investigated taking advantage of newly sequenced genomes, transcriptomes and soil/ocean metagenomes. We aim at combining genomic and metagenomic data to trace the gain, loss and evolutionary divergence of functional modules across the whole tree of life. We are also interested in studying functional profiles as ecological or host-associated signatures.

Contact: Jaime Huerta-Cepas Applications: