Bioinfo Women's Day at BSC
City and Science Bi
Computational Scientist for the Prostate Cancer Clinical Research Unit
We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Computational Scientist for the Prostate Cancer Clinical Research Unit to work in a Department of Defense-(CDMRP) and a Prostate Cancer Foundation funded projects involving the molecular characterisation of DNA deficient prostate cancer as well as clinical trials in this disease.
Software engineer | System analysts/administrators | Data analyst | Community/research manager
The European Galaxy Team is hiring!
We have a wide variety of active projects and are searching for a software engineer (100%), system analysts/administrators (100%), data analyst (100%), and a community and/or research manager (100%).
Current areas of expertise include:
Second call to recruit bioinformatics technicians for the Health Research Institutes
- Read more about Second call to recruit bioinformatics technicians for the Health Research Institutes
The Spanish Government has approved more than 115 million for the Strategic Action in Health (AES) with the aim of hiring researchers and promoting health research projects.